
Run Club
We are starting run club again this year and with participation of 3rd - 5th graders. We will meet Monday afternoons from 3:15 - 4:00. During our meeting time, we will learn about the basics of running, pacing, hydration, safety, and focus. Our goal is the honor God by taking up this new (or not new) hobby and running with various intentions in our heart.
Please contact Mrs. Herbst at mherbst@stdominicmobile.org for more information.

Angels on a Mission
The Angels on a Mission is a service organization made up of 4th, 5th and 6th students.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month and the goal is to spread the light of Christ in the school, neighborhood, and community. Several teachers come together and lead this service group.
What are some of the things that have been done?
Goody bags have been made for a school with a high poverty rate. We showed our appreciation to our priests with gifts and a banner. We provide lunch to SOMI house for different occasions.
For more info contact Wendy Ginn or Jana Taylor at wginn@stdominicmobile.org or jtaylor@stdominicmobile.org.

Student Council
Student Council is comprised of students from 5th-8th grades. Officers are picked by the student body from grades 4-8th. Homeroom reps have been chosen from their respective homerooms from the 5th-8th grades.
Student Council works closely with the administration to voice student opinions and suggestions.
So far this year, the Student Council has packed 175 Boxes of Joy with items collected from the entire student body and helped with the schoolwide MARC toy drive.We have also planned our fall pep rally that honored our fall sports teams and Toy Bowl representatives from the 8th grade.This semester we will be conducting our change wars, where the student body brings in loose change and competes to see who can bring in the most money. The money collected will be given to a couple different charities in need. As well as planning our spring pep rally honoring our spring sports. The Student Council also host annual dances for the school.
Moderator: Henry Nonnenmacher and Kathleen Thompson
For more info contact Henry Nonnenmacher at hnonnenmacher@stdominicmobile.org.
Kathleen Thompson at kthompson@stdominicmobile.org

Scholars Bowl
Open to all interested 6th-8th graders at SDCS.
Phase One of tryouts usually take place in August.
Phase Two of tryouts usually take place in September.
Moderator: Gabby Seibert
Please email: Ms.Seibert at bseibert@stdominicmobile.org with any questions.

National Junior Honor Society
Students who are members of the National Junior Honor Society should demonstrate the qualities of:
Scholarship – Students must maintain a 3.5 average, and have S in all specialty classes. Students will be required to submit their report cards each quarter for review by the faculty moderators.
Leadership – Students in the NJHS are the leaders of our school and, as such, should serve as good examples for all other students.
Service – Students must be willing to actively participate in NJHS homework help sessions.
Citizenship – Members should make every effort to attend all NJHS meetings, and should submit a note of explanation to the moderators in the event of absence. Students should also participate in community service projects on an individual basis.
Character – Members should never behave in a manner that would cause their character to be questioned.
Moderator: Henry Nonnenmacher
For more info contact Henry Nonnenmacher at hnonnenmacher@stdominicmobile.org.

Drama Club
The Eagle Theatre team is directed by Mrs. Jeanette Connally. The troupe consists of mostly middle school students who are interested in pursuing their gifts in acting and technical theatre skills.
Ticket information for upcoming performances may be found on our website: https://eagletheatre.weebly.com/
Mrs. Jeanette E. Connally, MS.Ed.
Middle School English Teacher / Eagle Theatre Director

Crochet Club
For all students in the 5th grade.
Moderator: Denisse Gonzalez
Please email for further information dgonzalez@stdominicmobile.org