Saint Dominic Catholic School, established in 1961, is a Catholic elementary school for children from Preschool through Grade 8.
The school is administered through Saint Dominic Parish with Pastor, Reverend Patrick Driscoll.
Principal: Mrs. Laurie Michener
23 Teachers
6 Paraprofessionals
Library/Media Specialist
Resource Room
Art Room
Music Room
Band Room
Technology Room
Spanish Room
Students: Student-Teacher Ratio is 13:1
Max Class Size:
Preschool: 18*
Kindergarten: 22*
Grades 1-3: 24*
Grades 4-8: 26
Accreditation: Saint Dominic Catholic School is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is Nationally recognized as a “Discipline with Purpose” School.
* For classes large enough teaching assistants are employed.

We believe Preschool is a year to learn new skills and build self-confidence.
The program follows a kindergarten like curriculum. Language arts, Social Studies, Math, Science and Religion are all part of the day. Writing, reading readiness, music and movement are incorporated into the daily schedule along with specialty classes of computer and library. Students learn Catholic prayers and are given a foundation in our Catholic faith.
Positive redirection is used to teach age appropriate social skills and class behaviors.
PK 2 maintains a student teacher ratio of 1:6.
PK 3 maintains a student teacher ratio of 1:7.
PK 4 maintains a student teacher ratio of 1:9.
The goal of our program is to prepare students to enter kindergarten with ease; to know that they have the social skills needed and the belief that they are the best and brightest.

Grades K-2
The goal of our Kindergarten – Second Grade program is to provide a warm, caring Catholic environment that lays the foundation for academic knowledge acquired in elementary and middle school.
Curriculum includes math, science, language arts and social studies, and religion. Students are encouraged to become avid readers through the Book It reading program and the Accelerated Reading program. Additionally, students attend a specialty class once a week – Art, Music, Spanish, Library and Computer. Healthy living is promoted each day in PE classes.

Grades 3-5
The goal of our Third - Fifth Grade program is to build upon the skills and knowledge acquired in the students early years of learning. Independent thinking and problem solving skills are developed.
Curriculum includes math, science, language arts and social studies, and religion. Students continue to develop reading skills through the Accelerated Reading program. Writing becomes a focus and students begin writing reports and small essays. In Grade 5 a block style teaching approach is implemented. Additionally, students attend a specialty class once a week – Art, Music or Band, Spanish, Library and Computer. Healthy living is promoted each day in PE classes.

Grades 6-8
The goal of the SDCS middle school is to provide an environment that is conducive to learning and living a faith-filled Christian life. Students receive a well-rounded education geared specifically to the needs of adolescents. The middle school builds on the academic knowledge acquired in the elementary grades, with a particular focus on preparing students for high school.
Our rigorous curriculum includes the core academic subjects: math, science, language arts (English grammar and literature) and social studies. We exceed state curriculum standards in an effort to challenge the students and prepare them to continue their academic studies in high school.
The most important subject in middle school, and throughout the entire school, is religion. Students broaden their knowledge of the Catholic faith through their study of the Old Testament (6th grade), the New Testament and Sacraments (7th grade), and church history and social teachings (8th grade). Students have the opportunity to take part in many service projects throughout the year. Not only is Church doctrine learned but, more importantly, emphasis is put on living out the teachings of Jesus.
Healthy living is promoted through daily activity in the physical education program. Students in middle school also have the opportunity to take weekly classes in music, art, Spanish, and computer. SDCS is also proud to have the largest elementary band in the Archdiocese of Mobile. Under the direction of Rebecca Reinhardt, students in grades five through eight have the opportunity to learn how to play a variety of instruments and take part in concert performances. Middle school students also take part in several academic competitions including robotics, Math Counts, the National Geographic Geography Bee, and the Scripps Spelling Bee. Their education is also enhanced through field trips to the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola, Dauphin Island, New Orleans, and other destinations.
The students in grades six through eight who have graduated from Saint Dominic Catholic School are usually very successful in high school. Several of our eighth-grade students have been selected to take part in the Aquinas program at McGill-Toolen Catholic High School and a high percentage also go on to take honors and AP courses at the high school level. The education received at SDCS provides a firm foundation for success throughout our students’ academic careers.